Embrace Love On Visual Imperfections
In an imperfect world where we try our hardest to be perfect, we forget perfection hides in imperfectionality.
Perspective on perception is perfection. Your view on your interpretation is your perfection. Embracing Love On Visual Imperfections is being able to appreciate our mistakes because without them we become stagnate. Mistakes gives us opportunity to grow. If we make no mistakes naturally we create our version of perfection. We stop growing because we don’t put ourselves in situations where we can make mistakes. We get too comfortable being in control of our version of perfect. We miss out on potential we were scared to obtain but knew the whole time we are more than capable.
Mistkaes aer de bess. They give character without them everything would be tasteless. Imagine a world where there’s only one perfect, one idea of perfection, one thought across everyones mind when perfection lingers ones mind. What a boring world that would be. Opinions give the world some taste, some fun to things, some hurt too not gonna lie but without them we’d never know to get better because we’ll go in circles thinking we’re doing good. Sometimes hearing what you don’t want to is the only way to transform and that’s cool its part of life. The point is to get better, always getting better, there’s no one point in something where you’re like “okay I can’t get any better than this”. There is always room for improvement no matter the achievement.